Dagen har varit som den varit ..e aldrig låtit dig gå!
jag blev motiverad igår av Maya så jag har skrivit på en dikt idag som handlar delvis om dagen o ja ni kan nog räkna ut resten senare lägget :)
vet inte vad jag ska skriva är fruktansvärt arg o fattar int ehur människor i sammhället kan behandla andra människor fattar inte hur man är så jävla dum!
ahja ni får läsa lite :)
vi ses typ kkn imorrn bloggläsare om jag inte är död?
om vi nu har några? :)
/kram Kariin (L)
know I would be happier to be a tiny little algae on the seabed I would feel better then!
you make me confused with there beautiful smile o glittering green eyes but I know that you are not at all happy, I know all about the hidden secrets I know everything so your eyes get darker when you can not cope anymore.
I know you are scared afraid to face the world
I just want you to continue hurricane-o live in your rate! know that you feel good and I will continue to support you as just like now! want you to feel good my friend I feel uncomfortable when it goe
but I know that you are afraid afraid to face the world
I do not want to meet you in the world with endless dreams, and only black light I want to live with you right my friend please my friend giving me the grief now believe I love you o that I am not whole without you! to continue to fight well for me!
I know you are scared afraid to face the world
I skulleha been with you when you were scared I would if I had not been so stubborn I feel sorry for you, but please continue to fight my very own Angel!
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